USD on TON Blockchain

USDT Token

USD TON is the fastest transfer of USD across the globe using Next-Generation TON blockchain which was originally developed by the founders of Telegram

1,000+ Individuals and companies have already Joined our Community


USD TON is the fastest transfer of USD value across the globe using jetton deployed on next-gen multi-blockchain platform called TON Blockchain, capable of processing millions of transactions per second, with Turing-complete smart contracts, upgradable formal blockchain specifications, multi-cryptocurrency value transfer, support for micropayment channels and off-chain payment networks.


USD deployed on TON blockchain is a totally decentralized community with hundreds of validators and developers located across the globe.


USD TON uses TON jetton achitecture which is a totally permissionless method of tranferring tokens and an open-source project and welcomes any validator partners or code contributors.

Low Fees

Transactions are instant and confirmed with minimal fees. TON USD is deployed on TON blockchain which boasts ultra-fast transactions, tiny fees, easy-to-use apps.


USD TON is deployed on state-of-the-art TON blockchain technology and designed to be most secure and fault-tolerant.

Participate in Contests and Win USDT

Become a part of the ever growing community of TON Users, 10% of all the initial USD TON's are reserved for developers and partners who provide value to our ecosystem.

Join our USD TON Community and participate in Competitions to win USDTONs

5th Generation Features

USDT is built on state of art TON architecture which makes it truly unique and superior to other Blockchains.


USDTON will be used in various DeFi projects and applications opening vast financial opportunities

Proof of Stake

Stake your TON tokens and participate in validation and governance with minimal infrastructure


Can interact with other blockchains with the help of bridges made on smart contracts

Fast Transactions

Can handle upto 1,000,000 tps makes it best for decentralized wallets

Smart Contracts

Unlimited possibilities with dapps as everything is managed with smart contracts


All USDTON tokens are pegged at 1-to-1 with a matching fiat currency and are backed 100% by USDTON’s reserves.

Project Roadmap

November 2021
TON Crystal Launched

TON Crystal community was formed to realize the dream of TON and make a truy decentralized Network.

December 2021
Testnet Launch

Testnet will be launched on the original codebase of TON developed by Telegram Team, Validators will be added to the netowork

February 2022
Mainet Launch

After rigorous testing and bug fixing on the TestNet, MainNet will be launched and Ton Tokens will be swapped with Ton Crystals

March 2020
TON Code Completed

Development of TON Blockchain completed by Telegram team and code published on Open Source platform Github

November 2021
Private Sale for Investors

A private Sale of TON Crystal Tokens will be launched to allot initial tokens to investors and support the development of the project.

December 2021
Airdrop for Early Supporters

TON Tokend will be airdropped to early supporters and community members who actively participate in the community building.

Frequently asked Questions

These are some very important questions which new members

Yes TON is a protocol proposed and developed by Dr. Nikolai Durov which forms the backbone of TON Crystal network. Today it is being delveloped by a group of developers and volunteers across the globe.

No TON is a different blockchain from Etherum, however you can purchase TON Tokens during the provate investment round on Pancakeswap and then exchange it with the original TON Crystal at the time of launch of Mainnet.

Yu can alreay buy Ton Crystal tokens as an early round investor from Pancakeswap, later you can exchange it for original TON Crystals. Ton Crystal will be listed on Centralized exchanges as soon as we complete the development and verify the contract, expected date Februart 2022.

Join our Telegram Group , you will get more information about buying Ton Tokens reserved for early investors.